Performing Arts Report June 23

23 June 2023

Performing Arts Report June 23

Yr 12 Dance students have recently completed their HSC Practical Trials. This is always a huge undertaking, completing and preparing all their works ready for an external marker to give them feedback prior to the HSC. Our students have worked very hard to create complex and engaging dance works for their HSC majors and are to be commended for all their work. They also have to teach their compositions to another dancer for them to perform - another incredible collaborative skill that is not present in any other course for the HSC. They are also required to discuss and explain their work as a creative process and explain the mechanics of the body that their dance utilises. The Performing Arts subjects really prepare our young people for a wider world where you need to collaborate and present your ideas in various ways and to various audiences. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Santi on all the work she has done to ensure these students were as prepared as they could be and congratulate the students for finishing their Practical Trials for Dance.

Yr 11 Drama Play - Murder at Mayfield

My Yr 11 Drama class worked tirelessly to create their own play.  They are a small class with very different talents and styles of learning and they came together and worked very successfully to create something very entertaining. It was wonderful to see a sold out show where the audience laughed in all the right places and clapped very loudly at the end. 

I would also like to extend a big thank you to Mr Graeme Grocott for helping set up the hall Mr McCrudden and his Entertainment class who helped with lighting, sound and filming. And we also had 2 year 10 Drama students Sage and Eva and Marnie in Yr 12 who have not missed a single production opportunity to work on lights or backstage the entire time she has been at SVC. A huge thank you to all these people who gave their time and skills to support yr 11 Drama students.

Please read Maggie's words on the process - it is gratifying when teachers plan a learning experience for students and students reflect that it worked for them the way you intended.

The year 11 play was an experience everyone who was involved in will never forget. The play offered us all an opportunity to express our genuine passion for creativity and the performing arts we possess. Through the play, a sense of unity and belonging was formed as our drama class learnt to understand the value of collaborating effectively and supporting one another. Overall the show was a great success and the atmosphere was thrilling, as this show was the culmination of inclusion and every cast member contributed an immense role in this play. We thank Miss Johnson and St Vincent's for allowing the performing arts a platform to flourish.  

Maggie Hutchinson


College Production - The Servant of Two Masters

A very exciting thing is happening in the Drama room over these last 2 weeks of term - the auditions for the College Production! The Servant of Two Masters is a comedy with loads of fun roles and chorus parts. Students from all year groups are auditioning and some are joining the chorus to learn and add their movement and singing skills to the ensemble cast. If your daughter has not auditioned but would like to be on stage or be part of the design team or crew please ask her to email me and ensure she has a permission note. With the College Productions, I endeavour to include all our students who wish to join in a way that suits their interests and talents - so all are welcome. 

The Production will be performed - Wednesday 1 November 2023: 6:00pm, Thursday 2 November 2023: 6:00pm and Friday 3 November 2023: 6:00pm in the Caritas Christi courtyard.

Ms Catherine Johnson

Head of Performing Arts



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