16 June 2023


We have had such a desperately busy time this week.  I want to tell you about Hector, the Rainbow Lorikeet.  Some Year 8s found him, alone and in distress under the azalea bush in the garden.  They knew that Hector needed help.  Out I charged like a champion desperate for a distraction.  We found him a comfortable box, popped in some water and called WIRES.  It looked to us like Hector had sustained a most painful foot injury.  He was not happy.  To his credit, he calmed right down on his dash to the Vet.  We filled in his details and Potts Point Vet promised to do their best for him.   Sadly they called less than an hour later to let me know that Hector could not be saved.  He had “Beak and Feather” disease - which just sounded like a list of attributes to me - but alas it is rife in the bird population in our area.  It is highly contagious and will attack native as well as introduced species, though is no threat to teachers, apparently. Our girls were very sad to know that Hector had died.  They tried their best and it was wonderful to work with them in a common bond to save Hector.  We couldn’t save him but we did appreciate his beauty and what felt like his appreciation for our efforts.  

Next Friday is our Snug as a Bug in a Rug day which is great fun.  It’s a day shared by Vinnies@SVC and the Environment Committee.  We work together to appreciate the environment and make life for those sleeping rough a little better.  We will kick off the day with Mass on Caritas Christi Courtyard at 7.45am.  All students and staff are invited to the “Wear a Beanie, Bring a Blanket” Mass.  The idea is to sit on your blanket during Mass, then donate it at the end.  I will take the blankets up to Wayside Chapel.  They have come to depend on our blanket delivery each year.  If you have any old blankets - or new - please send them in with your daughter.  Last year my ‘soccer mum’ van was so full of blankets I had to make 2 trips up to Wayside.  Thanks in advance, Vinnie’s Community.  

Keep your eyes peeled this weekend for a Rainbow Lorikeet.  They are just exquisite.

Mrs Jo Kenderes
Director of Faith and Mission

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