
22 September 2023


The Boarding House and its occupants have been very busy this week.  There are some wonderful traditions in Boarding where opportunities exist for the entire boarding house to come together to farewell our year 12 girls.  

On Sunday we held the Boarder Parent Brunch. It was a beautiful day. Each year 12 boarder contributed to the Liturgy where candles were given to the girls to pass onto their parents.  This act is symbolic of the transfer of our love and care back to their parents.  The Brunch was a magnificent feast created by Selina, our chef.


On Tuesday evening the Boarding House came together with special guests who have had a significant role in the girls journey through their years of Boarding. Each year group gave a presentation to their year 12 sisters. It was a funny, sentimental night charged with an awareness that the year 12’s will be deeply missed.

On Thursday morning the final ritual, year 11’s cooking a BBQ breakfast for the year 12’s, underscored the transfer of seniority and responsibility to the year 11’s cohort. Our two new boarding Co-Captains, Elliane Davies and Brooklyn Skuthorpe-Gordon, now lead our Boarding House. Congratulations to them on their appointment to the SVC leadership team.


I would like to thank our Boarders and their networks for the successful conclusion of our Fund-Raising for ‘Can Do the Distance”, a campaign to provide funds for Can Assist, a charity that provides support for rural and remote families who require care and accommodation due to a cancer diagnosis.  We raised $4,195. I give a special shout-out to Amity Roach (year 9 boarder) who raised $850, a truly outstanding effort.

Mrs Susan Turner
Dean of Boarding

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