Boarder Lines: 25 September 2020

The In Weekend was fun filled with lots of preparation for Year 12 and the culmination of Bill and Ted Face the Music in our very own cinema. It was very interesting introducing most of the Boarders (and Mrs Fry) to 'Bill and Ted'……the explanation of the previous movies provided some interesting conversations.
On Thursday we farewelled our Year 12 Boarders on their graduation from the Boarding House. This event is always a beautiful send off from the Boarders to those who have led and contributed to our community for so many years. With seven of our current Year 12 Boarders starting in Year 7, it has been a long journey, but what a journey. Tarli and Hannah reflected on their time as Boarders since Year 7 during the moving mass organised by Mrs Jo Kenderes, and officiated by Fr Paul Fyfe. An excerpt of their reflection is below:
Wow, what a year! Congrats girls, we made it. Honestly, I never thought that we would get to this day, leaving a place that has become our home away from home for the past six years. The Boarding House has been a place of acceptance where each of us have flourished into young independent women that are now ready to face the world. We are so appreciative to be given the opportunity to be in Vinnies Boarding, and will forever remember the memories we have made. We are also so grateful to have spent the past six years with such a diverse yet close bunch of girls who we have been blessed to call our sisters. I can proudly say how close we have become this year and it’s sad to see this chapter of our lives come to an end. We have made lifelong friends who we can call our sisters on this journey through high school, and I wouldn’t change a thing. We thank you, Year 12, for being the people we could always rely on. You were all so supportive, and honestly we don’t think we could’ve made it without you, we will forever cherish the memories we have made with each of you. We love you! On behalf of Year 12 we are greatly appreciative for the amount of care and concern our Boarding coordinators; Liza, Naomi, Linda and Susan have provided to us, as well as MOD (Ms Maryanne O'Donoghue) always being that person checking up on us and making sure we’re okay. Lastly, thank you to the Boarding House; girls, we wouldn’t have made it without you and honestly we are so grateful for the sisterhood we have created. We know our friendships will last forever.
It has always been a dream to host a dinner outside and this year we were successful! I am forever grateful for the hard work of the Boarders to set up such a beautiful space for Year 12 to graduate in style and to create lovely lasting memories. Our proud new Boarding Co-Captains, Grace Kelly and Clare Lienesch, stepped up to the challenge of MCing the night, the first of many events they’ll be hosting throughout their captaincy. We celebrated with a last meal chosen by Year 12, and each year it always ends up being schnitzel....our outgoing class of 2020 didn’t disappoint....but with the addition of an entrée and cold-rock for dessert - we were quite full!
Mia Timbs, Year 10 BRC member, has spent the term supervising and creating pinatas, which were thoroughly enjoyed by the Year 12's….particularly Jemma Hatton and Hannah Quinn, who proved they had the biggest 'guns' in their year! The Class of 2020 should be proud of the way they graduated with style and maturity. They will be greatly missed for their humour, their laughter and their leadership of the younger ones in Boarding. Gabbie and Hannah have led their cohort and the Boarding House as a whole, with maturity, with courage and with love. I am proud to have watched them grow as amazing leaders over this past year and am proud to now watch them continue on their journey as amazing women in their lives.
And as they leave at the end of a term as well as Boarders returning home to their loving families, as Bill and Ted would say, ' Party on Dudes!'.
Yours in Boarding,
Ms Maryanne O’Donoghue
Director of Boarding