160 Alumnae Dinner

What a wonderful night was had by all at the Alumnae Dinner held at Doltone House Hyde Park. Just under 300 Ex-students and past staff gathered for an evening of celebrations to mark the 160th year of our alma mater. Conversations flowed, connections and reconnections were made, and Vinnies' spirit filled the room.
Year groups represented were from 1944 to 2015, with many ex-students travelling large distances to be part of this evening. Special mention to the Class of 1974 with the largest representation. There was plenty of laughter and stories shared.
It was wonderful to have three past Principals attend the evening: Maria Wheeler rsc, Margaret Beirne rsc, and Michele Hugonnet, who travelled from Belgium. More than 30 past teachers helped to make the event special, providing opportunities for ex-students and teachers to catch up after many years.
The guest speakers Mrs Anne Fry, College Principal, and Ms Rachel McCormack, nee Hickey, Class of 1994 inspired us and reminded us that Vinnies women share the qualities of compassion, strength and generosity, achieving the extraordinary even in ordinary ways.
Sr St Jude Doyle rsc OAM was the recipient of the 2018 Vinnies' Ex-students' Award. Sr St Jude, Class of 1944, has led a most amazing life of service to others. I was fortunate when in Year 7 to have the opportunity to visit Sr St Jude on a regular basis as she was living in the Convent next door to the College. We would enjoy afternoon tea and plenty of stories from Sr St Jude; these have had a lasting impact on me.
On behalf of the ex-students present on the evening I would like to thank Natarsha Belling (Class of 1992) for her generosity and the fantastic job she did as MC. Huge thanks to Mary Doyle, President of the Ex-Students' Union and her organising committee for putting on such a beautiful night and giving the Ex-Students an opportunity to celebrate the 160th anniversary. As a more recent graduate I loved being in a room filled with Vinnies women, meeting new people from other year groups and spending time with my mum and aunt, both ex-students of the College.
Thank you to everyone who made the night possible.
Ellen Vivers
Class of 2013